Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

From Alyssa...

Hey guys! Alyssa here . . . So it's been awesome to read all of your comments. They are so encouraging and uplifting. It's cool that even across the world we know that people are praying for us right now. So keep posting! And that means you too Mom and Dad! I am highly offended that every youth's parents and/or family has left a comment and you haven't. I know you are technologically challenged but I mean, come on. I am your FAVORITE child and I feel so unloved right now.

Now for an update on us. We have had a fabulous day today in the holy hut. Although it is quite hot here I think everyone had an awesome experience worshiping with others in a different language. This year we were even able to to take part in the Lord's supper. It was just another reminder of how big our God is. He's not just in Ocala, but He's here in Oradea.

So, it's our last night in downtown Oradea. We're off to play volleyball, Romanian style. David Galat and I are going to dominate . . . in the name of Jesus of course. We'll enjoy one last warm Coke and the air conditioning. Keep up the prayers and the comments.

Love, Alyssa

(Important Note from Kevin: The expressed views of this author do not necessarily represent the views of this blog. :) Just kidding - we really do love Alyssa. Her enthusiasm really adds to our team. The picture above was from tonight's volleyball game. This girl is intense. I'm pretty sure that if she kept that face and asked every child at camp if they knew Jesus - the whole camp would probably get saved. Some may already be saved and would do it again just 'cause they were scared)


Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear about all of the great things that God has planned for you over this coming week! I feel truly blessed to just know and be able to support a group of people as focused on Him as you are!

I love you all! And, Annie, know that I'm praying for you always.

Shannon said...

Alyssa...you crack me up! Have a great week (along with everyone else of course). Praying for you (and everyone)!!!

Amy...good luck getting her over the bridges...for the hike & in Budapest. I'm cheering you on.


ps. I know you all won't get this before you leave.