Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The FlipSide

Hello Ocala Family!

So, I guess its my turn to take a wack at this blog :) I'm not going to write about how beautiful Alaska is, or the views we've seen of how wonderful our God really is.. But coming here, even I was kinda thinking "Alaska?.. being a missions trip?" I mean when someone says the word "missions" my mind goes straight to Haiti, Peru, Africa.. and I think that's how most people are. But once I got a chance to see the "Real" Alaska it really changes your point of view. All you ever see about Alaska is the cruises, how wonderful a vacation you can have. Don't get me wrong, you can have that, too.. but just driving to the camp you see homelessness, people living in shacks with no running water, poverty... I mean this is major stuff. People can really take what they've been blessed with for granted. As I'm sitting here listening to people talk about stories in Alaska and even at camp, you really start to understand how God works. As we are cleaning cabins, doing yardwork, building docks, etc., I have to think, these cabins are going to hold children this summer who maybe never had the chance to go to summer camp. Some kids even show up with only the clothes they have on. Doing yardwork, in just a few short months people will be doing bible studies on that lawn, playing games with children. Even building the dock, just this morning the men were talking about how almost every child that comes here, their feet will touch that dock. God's mission field isn't just halfway around the world... it's right here in our own country, and that's what really opened my eyes. God is great and His love is really showing on this campus. I can't wait to share all the stories with everyone back home.

A person who is full refuses honey, But even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry.
-Proverbs 27:7


Kevin Kite said...


Great post! Thanks for the heart that you shared and for the heart you are sharing in Alaska!

Anonymous said...

Kourtlyn, Thankyou for having a servant's heart. Reading your post gave me goose bumps :) Praying for you all.
Love&Miss you,