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Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mucho Monday

Mucho happening on Monday

What a day… We woke up on Monday morning to learn that David Jacola and Je’sus (our translator) went out to find something to eat later on Sunday evening and instead found the mayor in a meeting. They sat in on the remainder of the meeting and then setup a meeting with the mayor for 9AM Monday morning.

One of our goals for this trip was to find a way to serve the community. On our first trips we learned that the mayor did not believe that the existing church did not have any impact on the community. We were going to ask the mayor to help us identify someone or some way that we could help in the community.

When we met with the mayor yesterday we shared that desire and he immediately got excited and told us about a group working up on the mountain. We walked up the trail to the job site and realized that we were not going to be helping farmers but rather helping a group that is building a new water treatment plant for the community. Several of us will spend all day today working with cement, rocks and dirt. Please pray for us to have lots of energy. We feel a little pressure since the mayor introduced us all to the group last night and told them that they needed to come observe us working. J It will really be a tough day since we are not yet fully acclimated to this altitude.

We also met with some of the people from previous trips and have set up meeting times to continue sharing God’s Word with them. Even as we had our devotional time in the city plaza a lady came up and asked us what we were doing. She then joined in our Bible study and then we shared a Bible story with her. It was awesome.

Please pray for us today – that we are “on task” and that we do not experience the distractions that are so common here. It is difficult at times to know which people are really interested and which ones are just taking our time. We only have a short amount of time here so we are asking God to order our steps throughout each day.

Our team members are doing wonderful. Last night we had some great worship time as David used a Peruvian’s antique guitar to lead.

Your prayers are critical – they are making a huge difference. To experience so much on our first full day in the village is not normal. Thanks again for your comments – they help us to keep moving, too.

1 comment:

Adam Suydam said...

Wow, this is awesome stuff! I'm praying for you guys. Can't wait to hear how the cement work went today:)