Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Getting ready for the big yellow bus...

We just got our tickets for the Big Yellow Dog that will leave at 7PM tonight. We are leaving now for lunch and then a meeting with Mike Weaver will take place here at the hotel. We then begin the long bus ride to Cabana. Thanks for praying for our entire team to stay healthy during the trip. We will now be joined by one translator and 3 International Mission Board missionaries who serve through the Journeyman program.

We will post again as soon as we get to Cabana. Much love to all of our friends and families. Thanks for leaving comments, too. These get shared every morning with our team as we begin our days with devotions. Your encouragement means more than you know!!!


Allyson said...

Hey Jeanna & Kevin,

So when the boys went to brush their teeth tonight, I'm not sure what happened but they were soon laughing so hard. It sounded like an episode of Charlie Brown when Snoopy and Woodstock would get to laughing. It was really funny. We couldn't do anything but sit in the living room and laugh too. They had a great evening.

Hope ya'll have a great bus ride tonight!

Anonymous said...

Just checking out the blog now and praying for you guys.

Glad things have been smooth so far health-wise.

Kevin, I gave Jake a hug and a noogie for you tonight - he smiled:)

Please tell the mayor that George Bush says hi.

Can't wait to hear what God has planned...


Anonymous said...

praying for you and those you will be with in the days ahead especially the mayor that his heart will be softened to accept Jesus love and forgiveness. Dan

Allyson said...

PS - The boys had a great night and even got some sleep. Chocolate chip pancakes this morning seemed the right way to wrap up that adventure.

Please let David know that we missed him a lot in worship this morning. Trevor (Andy's friend) filled in - he was fine but we missed David!

Monty had the contemporary service pray for ya'll and then Jerry baptized two boys whose mother escaped from Communist China. He made a great point about how those boys were evidence of people's faithfulness to missions.

Looking forward to hearing how the bus trip went. Hope Jeanna and Sara are doing well!

Shannon said...

I second Allyson's comment, Jerry did give a great plug for missions and how far reaching the impact of missionaries is! We are praying for you all.

I just picked up Kelsey and we're going to watch a movie once she gets out of the shower. Last night we made new medic alert bracelets (while watching Gator football) and sported them at church today & we have matching ones for Wednesday. We also had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! Oh, and Penny the hermit crab has been my house guest as well...so, all is going well.

Hope the bus ride is great! Sure to be an adventure at least.