Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Cabana

We arrived in Cabana today around 11AM. This has been the smoothest trip that we have experienced. Your prayers have made a huge difference. Thank you.

We have already had the opportunity to talk with some of our Peruvian friends. Please pray that God continues to open their hearts to the Gospel. The task is overwhelming but we are reminded that this is God’s story and He is allowing us to join His work.

Please pray for Wilder, Jackie and Irene. We are going to continue sharing the truth with them and are praying for them to have understanding of the differences between their belief system and the Bible.

Everyone on the team is doing wonderful. Angie lost her pillow (which is her security blanket) but it was found tonight in Puquio so we can pick it up on the return trip. Adam has an incredible servant’s heart – he is always helping everyone else. Bobby continues to encourage us all with his Christ-like attitude and his incredible energy level.

Thanks for your prayers and for joining with us on this journey!


Shannon said...

Hey team!

Kevin-So, today in Sunday School we asked girls for suggestions for Be the church...and they were quick to point out "we want AC and don't want to break our nails." So, I told them, Ok, well then Miss Shannon's gotta find something for you all to sweat and smell. Kelsey had some good suggestions in the mix at least. Was entertaining!!!

Angie-Glad you found your pillow...it's the little things in life really!!!

Adam-Met your wife at starbucks tonight and had a great visit.

Mr. Bobby-Hope you're doing well.

Praying for you team.


6Kites said...

Hello everyone! So glad to hear your trip has gone so well! You are all missed so much and are being thought of and prayed for through out your days ahead. Angie so glad your found your "blanky"! Sorry you will be with out for a few days. Thank you Adam for taking such good care of everyone! Bobby you are awesome, your encouragement goes a long way with everyone you come in contact with. Kevin,I hope your driving report from the others will be as good as your excitement and love for the Peruvians!
We all know God is at work here, He will guide your steps in the upcoming days and He will make His word clear to the Peruvians so their eyes will be opened wide to Him.
Much love to you guys!
The Kite Gang

Allyson said...

HI everyone!

Angie - I know what the pillow thing is like. Ask Adam about "George".

Bobby - I'm going to call Mary today and check in on her. Hope you are doing good.

Adam - Miss you bunches. The boy is having fun in Inverness. The girl is bouncing off the walls literally. I'm remodeling the house in my mind - it's good that I don't know how to use a power saw.... :)

Kevin - Will shut the door today and get some work done. You should have seen the kids light up when Matt came in yesterday. They went to Sonny's for lunch afterwards. Matt said "hi".

Talk to ya'll soon!

Liz said...

My prayers are with all of you in your awesome journey. What an adventure in Christ!