Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why We're Here...

The Lord has blessed us with the most beautiful weather for our work day! We are able to wear shorts & t-shirts without the need for jackets!! We can see the clear blue sky and enjoy hearing the birds sing or the kids laugh.
Cabin cleaning is almost complete...when those men get finished building another bunk and fixing a screen...we can get in there to clean!! We cleaned the summer cabins and the snack shack this morning then finished the leaves up around the cabins!!!
I have REALLY enjoyed operating the leaf blower...only bad thing is that my job duration is predicated on how much fuel is in the tank...I am only allowed one refill...then...it's shower time. Julie & Rebecca are making draperies for some cabins that still need some black-out in the windows.
Kerry & Bobby are busy building bunk beds some for use now and some for future replacements and they have also made new screens for many of the cabins.

All the kids have been getting the canoes and paddle boats cleaned and ready for use. In between...we are all enjoying some boiled peanuts that Walter made on Sunday...YUM!
Today's devotion was based on the "Be The Church" evangelism card you may have recently seen for our church-wide event. I have one in my bible and wanted to share it with everyone this morning.
Often people ask what brought us here, and why we're doing what we're doing. There are three simple reasons (we) came to serve others this week...
1. I met God one day, and He has changed my life...I care about people and meeting their needs in a brand new way.
2. I want you to see God's love in (our) service...(We) are serving because of God's love in our lives.
3. It is all about a personal relationship with God...read John 3:16 with new eyes.

I also spoke about where our treasure is there our heart will be also...I was humorously reminded while blowing leaves yesterday and discovering Moose "treasures." While blowing leaves, and getting down to the clean and fresh ground...that's what God does to us...He gets rid of all the "chaff" and makes us clean again. He laid down His life for us...I'm sure none of us can say we would lay our lives down for a room full of people let alone everyone!!
Lastly, I read Matthew 6..."Do not anxiously look about you or worry about what you will wear or eat...look at the birds, they neither reap nor sow, yet your Lord in heaven knows what they need...let's all try to be like birds...in total reliance on God!


Kevin Kite said...

Thanks for sharing such a great post! We continue to pray that God gives you guys a tremendous week in His sweet service.

Shannon said...

I'm enjoying your posts.

I'm sure you were a very fast leaf blower with all the tri training!

Tell the Lorenz's hi for me...especially Elizabeth!

Praying for you all.

Shannon Lyles

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures and blogs about your trip. I'm so glad you had some beautiful weather. Tell the Lorenz's hello for us. We will keep you in our prayers as you serve Him in Alaska.

Audrey Osborne