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Monday, October 13, 2008

Update from Camp...

An excerpt received last night from Pam Lorenz and team...

Thursday morning the temps were down to 18F and the water in the ladies' cabin was froze :( Snows are still on the ground and everything is lovely. A momma moose and her calf came to call and everyone got pictures and got a little too close for the calf's comfort. It got a little spooked and made like it was going to charge but everyone was fine, a little scared, but laughing about it when it was all over.By nightfall Thursday, the winds from a huge storm started picking up. Everyone turned in by 11pm and settled down for a good nights sleep all the while hoping and praying that no trees would come down during the night. Winds of at least 50 mph were predicted. Friday, 3:30am the power went out and the winds were REALLY blowing. No heat in our house as the diesel furnace has an electric blower and ignition. The director's house was warm with a new wood stove. The Ladies's cabin has a propane heater so we weren't worried about them. Daylight revealed only one tree down and God spared one of the bldgs as the tree was propped up by other trees only a foot away from causing major damage! Still no power. Worrying sets in as we have 100 women coming for the retreat at 4pm. Noon and still no power. We are cooking on the gas grill outside and the gas oven and stove in the kitchen. All refrigerators and freezers are on generator. One bad thing about no power is that we have NO water either! The ladies begin arriving and the temperature is rising so it won't be bitter cold with no heat. They are such good sports and pitch right in with flushing toilets with buckets of water from the lake. 6pm, supper time for 100 women plus the volunteer staff, no power and no running water. We've bought about 50 gallons of bottled water and lots of paper plates and cups. The power from the generator is now switched to the lights so that the women can eat and start their meetings. After supper all the dishes are loaded into the back of a pickup truck and taken 10 miles up the road to the church and we use their little kitchen. When all the dishes are done we clean up only to find that the church's septic system can't handle that much dishwashing and we've flooded the downstairs. Now we have to mop and clean up THAT mess! We have to laugh or we'll just end up crying. We've all been praying hard for the power to come back on. When we arrive back at the camp, lights are on in the neighborhood a couple of miles away. There's hope yet.More buckets of water, lots of flashlights, a big campfire, and the ladies at the retreat are thinking of just staying up all night around the fire and making the best of it. FINALLY, at 11pm the lights come on and the pump starts up and we have running water, electricity and heat. What a wonderful feeling. We find out Saturday evening that the Anchorage area had 100 mph winds and our winds were hurricane strength. We endured hardship, but God saw us through it, gave us strength, and just when we thought we couldn't take it any more, He brought the comforts of life back to us. Saturday was very busy with three large meals. The women at the retreat were so thankful for everything we did. They were so amazed that the volunteers from FL came up on their own JUST to help. What a powerful witness of the love of God through His people. We all crashed into a well deserved night's sleep.Sunday, today, was great with the ladies enjoying their last morning at the camp. Rain and snow mix and dropping temperatures are occuring right now. We took the FL ladies into WalMart and a couple of the local stores. Tomorrow will be a busy clean up day, then a couple of days for them to sightsee, depending upon the weather.God is sooooo good, all the time. We can't thank and praise Him enough for all of His provisions, care, and blessings. The ladies at this retreat are in an alcoholic recovery program and you could see the struggles they face and the hope that a lot them had in Christ and how they were sharing that with others. Women of all ages, all socio-economic groups, and all walks of life were here. Please lift up these women to the Lord. He knows each of their needs and knows them by name. Keep all of us in your prayers as we minister to folks coming into this camp through our service and through our love for Jesus. We love all of you.

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