Welcome to the Missions Blog!

Our mission teams will be posting events as they are On Mission all around the globe. Join the team by praying - it will strengthen them. Leave 'em a comment - it will encourage them. Join a team in the future - it will change your life.

The archives section tells the stories from our recent trips to Peru, Alaska, Romania and Canada - they will encourage you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back in Lima

We have arrived back in Lima and will spend some time working on our stategy, debriefing the trip and purchasing supplies for the future teams that will come to Peru. We have learned so much on this trip that will help us prepare for the future. The past two trips have been pioneering work to prepare and learn and God has been so faithful in teaching us. We praise Him for His leading in our lives - His has done more than we can explain.

Please pray for us to have the strength to finish well on this trip. We have travelled many miles, slept little and have eaten some crazy food. I will post some photos later today from some of our experiences.

We will also work today on putting together all of our notes, photos and thoughts so that we come home with a complete picture of what God has shown us on this trip. This work is crucial so that the next team will be able to travel by themselves to the villages. We will not have a person from the team here in Peru with us on the next trip.

We would also appreciate your prayers as we adjust to being back in the modern world. The transition from the villages to the modern city such as Lima is challenging emotionally and sometimes even physically. I ate way too much being back in the city after eating small portions throughout the week in the villages! However, that cheese burger was good!!

Thanks again for praying for our team. We, too, have been praying for you.

1 comment:

Robbie said...

Dear Mission Team,

I have been praying and thinking of you all week! And I have been thinking of your families here and how much they are missing you. It is hard to think of you so cold while it has been so hot here.

It sounds like a hard but fascinating experience and I'm glad you see potential for God to work there in the future.

Safe travels and thanks for letting me be a part of your prayer team.

God Bless each of you and those you touch on your mission,